Times have changed
For the first time in modern history, life expectancy is decreasing. Why?
As a person who woke up one day to find out he had heart disease and needed bypass surgery, I endeavored to find out.
You are what you eat
If you eat processed "food" you will end up with any number of chronic diseases. Most of them because of insulin resistance - but the story is more complex than that.
People often talk about living like our ancient ancestors. This concept revolves around the belief that our bodies are best suited to the types of foods, activities, and environments that our early human ancestors experienced.
Starting with a first principle
What is different about the food we eat today compared to the food our ancestors ate 150 years ago? What do we do differently?
In this book, we'll look at the things we do and eat though the eyes of "A caveman's guide to surviving the modern industrial landscape".